Guide to Z39.50/PRISE 2.0

Installation, Use, & Modification

Z39.50/PRISE 2.0 consists of a minimal Z39.50-1995 UNIX (Solaris) client-server pair and prototype indexing and search engines (PRISE) developed by NIST. The server is designed to isolate the search engine from the details of the Z39.50 protocol and minimize the effort needed to interface the server to natural language search engines other than PRISE.

NIST Disclaimer

The Z39.50/PRISE software produced by NIST, an agency of the U.S. government, is by statute not subject to copyright in the United States. Recipients of this software assume all responsibilities associated with its operation, modification and maintenance.

What's New in Z39.50/PRISE 2.0 (over 1.0)

New PRISE Search

New PRISE Index

New ZClient

Documentation Outline

o Introduction

o Functional specification

o Installing and making Z39.50/PRISE

o Setting up ZClient and ZServer using the inet demon

o Testing using the shipped collection

o Design notes

o PRISE index

o PRISE search

o ZClient

o ZServer

o Adding/substituting your own search engine

o Indexing your own collections

For more information contact Paul Over.

Last modified: 7. January 1997